Mt. Vernon Airport - Outland News
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ARFF Training

Mt. Vernon Outland Airport offers hands-on (HOT) Air Rescue and Fire-Fighting training opportunities tailored to fit your department’s scheduling and travel needs.

Mobile ARFF Simulator: A twin turboprop fuselage custom fitted to a double axle trailer allows portions of a 14 CFR Part 139 Air Rescue Fire-Fighting Training Curriculum to be taken to airports and fire departments of all sizes across the Midwest.

A complete curriculum meeting portion of AC 150/5210-17C “Programs for Training of Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Personnel” is available for use with the Mobile ARFF Simulator.

Mobile ARFF Course Description

Intro to ARFF Agenda

ARFF Mobile Simulator Flyer

Mobile Simulator Curriculum

ARFF Training Ground: Two salvage aircraft are available for use by your department at Mt. Vernon Outland Airport.

Cessna 402B – Scenario-based training such as engine fires, landing gear fires, evacuation, and focused media application can be practiced hands-on with no threats of damage to our twin-engine aircraft.

Cessna Citation 550 – Extrication, Extrication, Extrication! This specially modified airframe allows “real-feel” cutting/testing of your department’s extrication equipment. Experience the differences between aluminum alloys, steel, and other materials when practicing cut-in rescue techniques.

Note: ARFF Rescue Vehicle(s) and extrication equipment are not supplied for training at our ARFF Training Ground (bring your own equipment). No live exterior or interior fires are allowed!

For more information, check out the ARFF Mobile Simulator, or schedule a time in our ARFF Training Facility, contact Chris Collins at (618) 315-5462 or